Kenneth P.
and Maxine Fox Scholarship
The Fox Scholarship is awarded each year to an eligible foster child and/or an eligible birth/adopted child of a TFACA member.
Who is eligible to apply for the Fox Scholarship?
A child in the custody of Tennessee DCS living in a Resource Home, group Home, Independent Living Placement or other approved placement or the birth/adopted child of a TFACA member.
Provide proof of acceptance into a college, university, or trade/vocational school.
Complete the Fox Scholarship application in its entirety.
Submit the application and three letters of recommendation.
Submit with the application and in the applicant’s handwriting a statement as to why the applicant is applying for the scholarship. Include future plans and future contributions to society.
Complete online form below:
These scholarships will be presented to adopted, birth and foster children of members of TFACA unless the foster child is in a children’s home. A college student who fits these criteria, but is still in college and has never received a TFACA scholarship is eligible. Please complete the scholarship form via this link:
Youth must fill out the application and send by August 15, 2021 to be considered.
To be considered for this scholarship you must
Be a child in state custody, whether living in a foster home, group home or Independent Living placement or be the birth/adoptive child of a TFACA member.
Provide proof of acceptance into a college/university/trade or vocational school.
Fill out application entirely.
Submit online application along with a current picture, GPA from High School Administration and 2 letters of recommendation. Possible sources include foster parents, case worker, teacher, guidance counselor, employer, pastor or youth leader.
In your own words, include a brief statement of intent as to why you are applying for this scholarship. Include your future plans and desired expectations post graduation.
Return application and requested documents, including acceptance letter from institution no later than AUGUST 15, 2021.
*Any unused portion or appropriate percentage of funds must be returned if recipient withdraws from school or does not maintain a GPA required by the institution to remain enrolled.
*Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, books and/or school supplies.
*Payments will be distributed in two installments. One at the beginning of the school year after letter of acceptance is received and one at the beginning of the second semester after verification of enrollment and good standing is received. Additional information may be requested at the discretion of the committee.