Join our board 

TFACA regional directors at at-large members are invaluable in serving as a voice for Tennessee foster and adoptive families. Our board members each bring unique energy and compassion to the work we do. 


Regional Director —
South Central, Northwest, Northeast, Upper Cumberland


Each Regional Director is responsible to fulfill a number of duties that will greatly assist in helping TFACA in fulfilling its mission.  Regional Directors who are interested in serving on TFACA’s board should review these responsibilities and if elected, agree to fulfill the following:


  1. Maintain membership in TFACA.  

  2. Attend and actively participate in all TFACA Board Meetings. Board meetings are currently done via Zoom.

  3. Serve on designated TFACA Committee(s).

  4. Complete a monthly online survey within 10 days of the previous month.


  1. Upon election to TFACA’s Board, contact via Zoom, or other means, each existing local association within 90 days. During this contact, the Regional Director will ensure the local association has key information regarding membership, minimum standards, and other vital information. (Note: We may need a document outlining key points during this visit).

  2. After the initial contact with a local association, communicate with the local association’s President regularly and make an in-person, if possible, visit at least annually.  This communication will include written correspondence after TFACA’s Board meetings so that the local association will be kept up to date.

  3. Maintain an updated list of local associations in their region, utilizing the Local Association Information Sheet.  Communicate changes to the Board President in a timely manner.

  4. Communicate problems or needs of local associations to TFACA’s President and Governance Chair.

  5. Help TFACA’s President identify counties without a local association and assist in developing a local association as needed.  Ensure the newly formed local association has important documents such as minimum standards.


1. Conduct quarterly training, in conjunction with Jennifer Mcghee, of new mentors and notify TNCSA’S Advocacy and Mentorship Program Director when training is held.

2. Send out monthly reminders to mentors to submit monthly contact sheets and send them to TNCSA’S Advocacy and Mentorship Program Director when you receive them.

3. Follow up with mentors at the end of the 6-month match to see if the match needs to end or continue.

4. Maintain a regional mentorship spreadsheet with needed information for reporting and submit it to TNCSA’S Advocacy and Mentorship Program Director by the 4th of the month.

5. Notify the mentors when they have been assigned a mentee and follow up to make sure that contact has been made.

6. Keep a folder of all mentee agreement forms (accept and decline) either on your computer or print a hard copy.

7. Keep DCS mentorship liaison updated with mentor/mentee matches so they know which mentors are available for matching (send them a spreadsheet at the end of the month.  Some liaisons keep up with it themselves.  Just ask).


Currently, there are 4 Walk Me Home (WMH) events held in TN.  WMH is an awareness fundraiser that provides enrichment funds to foster or adopted children.  Some Regional Directors will be very active with WMH due to their geographical location.  WMH training is provided to Regional Directors who have events in their region.

All Regional Directors are strongly encouraged to attend at least one WMH event annually.

At-Large Members—Currently Filled


Each At-Large Board Member is responsible to fulfill a number of duties that will greatly assist in helping TFACA in fulfilling their mission.  At-Large members who are interested in serving on TFACA’s board should review these responsibilities and if elected, agree to fulfill the following:


  1. Maintain membership in TFACA.  

  2. Attend and actively participate in all TFACA Board Meetings.

  3. Serve on design